Sunday, July 6, 2008

Biography of Einstein

Listen to the following videoclip on Einstein

Albert Einstein

Then answer the questions:

A) Order the sentences that appear in the video in the correct sequence.

1. His theories of relativity won him the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics.
2. On this day 1879 the universe changed for ever.
3. At 16 he Einstein wrote a paper
4. He spent his final years commited to world peace.
5. At school the young Einstein was no Einstein.

B) Try to find some of the past verbs used in the biography. Write infinitive and meaning.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mr Bean

Listen and watch to this chapter and write a composition on what happens

The great teacher. Cats

Listen to the following video and write in a comment the three expressions in English and what they really mean. You can explain it in Spanish.

Go for the cat!

the cat is

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The old house

Hello students. You have to watch the following video in you tube

Then answer to the questions and send me a comment:

1. Are they in a house?

2. Who is the singer?

3. Is there a girl in the story?

4. Are there other "type" of people?

5. Are there any houses in the video?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The end is close

Hi, everyone. I hope you have learnt better than inspector Closeau. Listen and have a laugh.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

And the winner is...

The answers to the quiz on 1808 are as follows:

1. Peninsular War
2. 1808 in Spain (very well Paula, 1807 in Portugal)
3. Spanish guerrilla conflicts (pronounced /guerila/)
4. Ferdinand VII
5. Duke of Wellington

Of course the winner are all of you for trying, but Zayda (4º ESO) and Paula (3ºESO) will have special rewards...


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New task

Hi everybody. Don't worry if the listening was too complicated for you. We will do it in class. If we can open Internet in our computers...
My new task for you is the following:

1. Take a look at my favourite links, in the left hand side of the blog.
2. Browse around and tell me if you know how to use all of them in a comment (in English).
3. Can you tell me what is the weather like in London this week?

Have fun. Some of you are doing a very good job. All of you are getting points for trying...

Tomorrow there is class!!!!!